Old Dominion Athletic Conference
All-Time Field Hockey All-Conference Teams

Player of the Year: Phebe Phelps, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Inturissi, Lynchburg

Phebe Phelps LC Amy Vallaro RC
Shelly Scott EMC Allison McClaughlin EMC
Terry Apperson LC Grace Burke R-MC
Madge Hall SBC Melanie Gehret EMC
Carolyn Williams SBC Leslie Rowan HC
Kerry Berman LC Tammy Zeyher BC
Trudy Maraschean LC    


Player of the Year: Phebe Phelps, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Catherine McCrory, Hollins

Phebe Phelps LC Madge Hall SBC
Mary Earl McClroy SBC Linda Burkhart EMC
Shelly Scott EMC Kim Wright BC
Michelle Volkee BC Joyce Darrell LC
Kappie Fraher LC Denise Jenkins R-MC
Wendy Hoyt RC    


Player of the Year: Terry Apperson, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Inturrisi, Lynchburg

Terry Apperson LC Lee Carroll SBC
Linda Burkhart EMC Michelle Volker BC
Cheryl Burgey EMC Mary Ferraro LC
Grace Burke R-MC Tracy Paxton EMC
Patti Brennen LC Denise Jenkins R-MC
Kappie Fraher LC    


Player of the Year: Linda Burkhart, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite

Linda Burkhart EMC Ann Wenger EMC
Kappie Fraher LC Allison Ferguson RC
Cornelia Woodworth SBC Missy Ackerman SBC
Lee Carroll SBC Julie Gardner RC
Monica Mahoney SBC Cathy Conway R-MC
Nancy Cherati BC    


Player of the Year: Missy Ackerman, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite

Missy Ackerman SBC Ann Wenger EMC
Monica Mahoney SBC Lynn Potsma LC
Patti Brennan LC Allison Ferguson RC
Diana Owens R-MWC Diane Kurtz RC
Cathy Conway R-MC Dee McGlenn RC
Nancy Cherati BC    


Player of the Year: Ann Wenger, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite

Ann Wenger EMC Karen Spicer RC
Monica Mahoney SBC Sandy Racis LC
Rinn Siegrist EMC Lynn Postma LC
Lynn Miller LC Diane Owens R-MWC
Patty Dzikowicz BC Martha Walker EMC
Jennifer Walsh LC    


Player of the Year: Monica Mahoney, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg

Monica Mahoney SBC Litsa Coroneos LC
Tina Book EMC Stephanie Heil RC
Amy Ottaway SBC Samantha Goodman RC
Karen Lauffenburger LC Shauna Tavares R-MC
Rinn Siegrist EMC Wendy Emory HC
Carmen Vaught MBC    


Player of the Year: Tina Book, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg

Litsa Coroneos LC Patti Dzikowicz BC
Tina Book EMC Leslie Carpenter LC
Mary Fran Gilliford R-MC Stephanie Hall RC
Jennifer Gregg SBC Lisa Morris R-MC
Radella Todd EMC Maribeth Miller (G) RC
Lynn Miller LC    


Player of the Year: Jennifer Gregg, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite

Radella Vrolijk EMC Litsa Coroneos LC
Patti Dzikowicz BC Jennifer Gregg SBC
Deb Gosser R-MC Karen Spicer RC
Leslie Carpenter LC Julia Weaver EMC
Sonya Hershey EMC Beatrice Shaw HC
Vanessa Mandel R-MWC    


Player of the Year: Radella Vrolijk, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Pam Spots, Randolph-Macon

Carolyn Anderson BC Alice Webb R-MC
Radella Vrolijk EMC Mary Fran Gilliford R-MC
Gina Hoover EMC Kimberly Saul R-MC
Sally Hoyer LC Cindy Dillard RC
Kara Summers LC Tracy Stuart SBC
Lane McLeod MBC    


Player of the Year: Kara Summers, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Jennifer Crispen, Sweet Briar

Jeane' Horning EMC Mindy Manolovich LC
Kara Summers LC Tracy Stuart SBC
Megan Maltby SBC Keller Whitney HC
Carolyn Anderson BC Julie Hanover BC
Chase Carrick RC Danielle Stephens EMC
Julie Hurst EMC    


Player of the Year: Jeane` Horning, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite

Krista Seelig (G) BC Kelli Rummell LC
Carolyn Anderson BC Nikki Sedgwick LC
Jeane` Horning EMC Alison Smith R-MC
Danielle Stephens EMC Lisa Caruso RC
Marjie Wasson HC Shelby Snyder SBC
Kara Summers LC    


Player of the Year: Kara Summers, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Terri Sawyer, Virginia Wesleyan

Carolyn Anderson BC Alison Smith R-MC
Missy Brubaker EMU Lisa Caruso RC
Candi Sauder EMU Shelby Snyder SBC
Marjie Wasson HC Monica Saltarelli VWC
Kara Summers LC Katie Happel (G) LC
Sarah Gioffre LC    


Player of the Year: Candi Sauder, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Jennifer Crispin, Sweet Briar

Candi Sauder EMU Lynette Ginder BC
Alison Smith R-MC Monica Saltarelli VWC
Sarah Gioffre LC Tabatha Clapper R-MWC
Christen Cummings SBC Krista Ebersole EMU
Kelly Jo Kern EMU Jen Kooker (G) EMU
Ali Ogelsby RC    


Player of the Year: Sarah Gioffre, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Missy Ackerman, Randolph-Macon

Tara Engel BC Krista Ebersole EMU
Kristen Brubaker EMU Sarah Gioffre LC
Tanya Robinson R-MC Katie Walker R-MC
Amy Boomershine R-MWC Tina Boyce RC
Ali Ogelsby RC Christen Cummings SBC
Monica Saltarelli VWC    


Player of the Year: Krista Ebersole, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Linwood Vrolijk, Eastern Mennonite

Krista Ebersole EMU Kirsten Brubaker EMU
Ali Ogelsby RC Amy Rafalski BC
Erin Sammons R-MC Heather Allen EMU
Nichole Elliott VWC Amy Boomershine R-MWC
Holly Ware BC Tina Boyce RC
Tanya Robinson R-MC    


Player of the Year: Kirsten Brubaker, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Linwood Vrolijk, Eastern Mennonite

Holly Ware BC Karen Gibbs R-MC
Kirsten Brubaker EMU Mary Cate Slay R-MWC
Laura Hess EMU Katrina Scagliotti RC
Kim Brenneman EMU Charity Gent VWC
Jen Schwarzenbeck LC Felicia Martin R-MC
Erin Sammons R-MC    


Player of the Year: Karen Gibbs, Randolph-Macon
Coach of the Year: Missy Ackerman, Randolph-Macon

Sherri Allebach EMU Alice Collins R-MC
Jenn Dixon SBC Charity Gent VWC
Karen Gibbs R-MC Jodi Godbout RC
Laura Hess EMU Abbie Marvel LC
Lydia Price EMU Dana Rigot RC
Holly Ware BC    


Player of the Year: Sara Nissley, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Sadie Garnache-Poirier, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Jen Crispen, Sweet Briar

Ali Boyd RC Alice Collins R-MC
Jenn Dixon SBC Sadie Garnache-Poirier SBC
Jodi Godbout RC Mary Joyner RC
Abbie Marvel LC Raye Jean McMichael VWC
Sara Nissley EMU Kara Souder EMU
Kristen Moyer EMU    


Player of the Year: Jodi Godbout, Roanoke
Rookie of the Year: Liz Achee, Randolph-Macon
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg

Kristen Moyer EMU Linda Jack LC
Jodi Godbout RC Misa Sarmento SBC
Nicole Yodice RC Shannon McGinnis LC
Sarah Wyant BC Summer Foster VWC
Jimena Blanco R-MWC Mara Friedman R-MC
Allary Braitsch RC    


Player of the Year: Kristin Moyer, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Jonalyn Denlinger, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Wendy Orrison, Washington and Lee

Kristen Moyer EMU Linda Jack LC
Nicole Yodice RC Jonalyn Denlinger EMU
Jimenca Blanco R-MWC Kyla Hoffman LC
Allary Braitsch RC Molly Everngam SBC
Kitt Murphy W&L Carrie Brittingham R-MC
Jenn Wiley SBC    


Player of the Year: Kristin Moyer, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Chrissy Clancy, Virginia Wesleyan
Co-Coaches of the Year: Brenda Bechler, Eastern Mennonite and Kim-Michael Mertes, Virginia Wesleyan
Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Kristin Moyer, Eastern Mennonite

Kristen Moyer EMU Jackie Griffin VWC
Jonalyn Denlinger EMU Jenn Wiley SBC
Summer Foster VWC Kelly Taffe W&L
Andrea Fleming LC Rachel Flint RC
Lyndsay Edginton R-MC Jimena Blanco R-MWC
Stephanie Jones BC    


Player of the Year: Andrea Fleming, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Liz Hudson, Roanoke
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Jonalyn Denlinger, Eastern Mennonite

Anna Moore LC Erin Spadaro BC
Jonalyn Denlinger EMU Jenn Wiley SBC
Rebecca Hatchett W&L Ginger Tripp SBC
Andrea Fleming LC Cara Byrd VWC
Lisa Ehst EMU Liz Hudson RC
S.B. Northen W&L    


Player of the Year: Jenn Wiley, Sweet Briar
Rookie of the Year: Liz Garson, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Wendy Orrison, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Courtney Harrison, Washington and Lee

Chrissy Clancy VWC Kara Culkin LC
Jonalyn Denlinger EMU Jenn Wiley SBC
Lyndsay Edginton R-MC Liz Hudson RC
Andrea Fleming LC Kendall Korte W&L
Erin Spadaro BC Kristie Souder EMU
SB Northen W&L    


Player of the Year: Kendall Korte, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Allie Weir, Lynchburg College
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg College
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Torrie Higgins, Randolph-Macon

Sallie Armstrong W&L Kendall Korte W&L
Chrissy Clancy VWC Kristina Landis EMU
Morgan Crandall LC Lindsey Paz RC
Torrie Higgins R-MC Erin Spadaro BC
Samantha Howard LC Allie Weir LC
Ariana Kleeman LC    


Player of the Year: Kendall Korte, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Emily Mathews, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Brenda Bechler, Eastern Mennonite
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kristina Landis, Eastern Mennonite

Sallie Armstrong W&L Kristina Landis EMU
Ashley Crouch R-MC Signey Milks LC
Alyssa Derstine EMU Lindsey Paz RC
Samantha Howard LC Sarah Roth EMU
Lisa King EMU Allie Weir LC
Kendall Korte W&L    


Co-Players of the Year: Allie Weir, Lynchburg and Alyssa Derstine, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Kristina Morris, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kristina Landis, Eastern Mennonite

Sallie Armstrong W&L Emily Mathews W&L
Ashley Crouch R-MC Molly McGonegle SBC
Alyssa Derstine EMU Signey Milks LC
Liz Garson W&L Allie Weir LC
Kalah Hess BC Jenny Weir LC
Kristina Landis EMU    


Player of the Year: Alyssa Derstine, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Taylor Harding, Virginia Wesleyan
Co-Coaches of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg and Wendy Orrison, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Karissa Sauder, Eastern Mennonite

Sallie Armstrong W&L Karissa Sauder EMU
Alyssa Derstine EMU Christine Scichilone RC
Kalah Hess BC Allie Weir LC
Grace McGee W&L Jenny Weir LC
Signey Milks LC Allie Wheeler  RMC
Sarah Roth EMU    


Player of the Year: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Morgan Spicher, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Crystal Carper, Randolph-Macon
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Emmy Mathews, Washington and Lee

Erin Clare Cassidy R-MC Hailee Rittle EMU
Kalah Hess BC Kelly Tran W&L
Monica Jenkins R-MC Taylor Waddell BC
Vanessa Landis EMU Amanda Wain LC
Emmy Mathews W&L Jenny Weir LC
Shelly Milks LC    


Player of the Year: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Katie Kline, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg

Jennifer Bateman BC Mikaela Rumley R-MC
Tiffany Frye LC Adriana Santiago EMU
Valerie Landis EMU Lauren Seal R-MC
Londsay Leonard LC Amber Vanhorn SU
Shelly Milks LC Amanda Wain LC
Valerie Nowlan VWC    


Player of the Year: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Alexandra Darrow, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Kim Iman-Bianchi, Shenandoah
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg

Caroline Augsberger BC Victoria Van Natten W&L
Joan Burleson BC Adriana Santiago EMU
Carrie Jacobs R-MC Lauren Seal R-MC
Lindsay Leonard LC Amber Vanhorn SU
Nicole Marburger LC Nicole Woodworth R-MC
Shelly Milks LC    


Player of the Year: Ashley Cross, Shenandoah
Rookie of the Year: Noelani Schulmeyer, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Ashley Smeltzer, Shenandoah
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Colleen Dickson, Bridgewater

Caroline Augsberger BC Sarah Clare SU
Mandy Stowers EMU Ashley Cross SU
Melanie Tenney LC Presha Merritt SU
Kelli Williams LC Taylor Lober VWC
Carrie Jacobs R-MC Riley Hampsch W&L
Lauren Seal R-MC    


Player of the Year: Caroline Augsburger, Bridgewater
Rookie of the Year: Jenna Rampale, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Allyson Kenyon, Bridgewater
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Tanya Puccio, Virginia Wesleyan

Caroline Augsberger BC Olivia Newman R-MC
Taylor Prillaman BC Shelbi Holloman RC
Courtney Gillette LC Presha Merritt SU
Kelsey Link LC Lindsay Baker VWC
Bianca Merritt LC Maggie Waxter W&L
Carrie Jacobs R-MC    

Player of the Year: Nicole Simpao, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Nicole Simpao, Lynchburg

Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kelani Bailey, Shenandoah

Rachel Loy BC Heather Schauder  RC
Taylor Prillaman  BC Kelani Bailey SU
Emily Augsburger  EMU Presha Merritt SU
Nicole Simpao LC Kendall Peterson W&L
Shelbi Holloman RC Maggie Waxter W&L
Kellie Jasinski RC    

Player of the Year: Maggie Waxter, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Taylor Hayes, Shenandoah

Coach of the Year: Ashley Smeltzer-Kraft, Shenandoah
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kendall Peterson, Washington and Lee

Shannon Strosser BC Shelbi Holloman RC
Emily Augsburger EMU Kellie Jasinski RC
Hannah Krause LC Elizabeth Pardo SU
Nicole Simpao LC Kendall Peterson W&L
Kaitee Nicholas R-MC Maggie Waxter W&L
Kelsey Stanley R-MC    


Player of the Year: Haley Tucker, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Jackie Lerro, Lynchburg

Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Elizabeth Pardo, Shenandoah

Laura Gretz BC Kaylin Stenson RC
Emily Augsburger EMU Taylor Hayes SU
Hannah Krause LC Morgan Payne SU
Jackie Lerro LC Maggie Sands W&L
Nikki Simpao LC Haley Tucker W&L
Emma Clark RC    

Player of the Year: Nikki Simpao, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Kelsey Jones, Shenandoah

Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Morgan Payne, Shenandoah

Alexis Brown LYN Emilee Wooten RC
Kayla Copeman LYN Taylor Hayes SU
Jackie Lerro LYN Morgan Payne SU
Nikki Simpao LYN Lauren Paolano W&L
Emma Clark RC Haley Tucker W&L
Kaylin Stenson RC    

Offensive Player of the Year: Jackie Lerro, Lynchburg
Defensive Player of the Year: Isabella Morande, Shenandoah
Rookie of the Year: Kailey Fitzgerald, Washington and Lee

Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Laurel Nicks, Lynchburg

Courtney Cooke BC Emilee Wooten RC
Alexis Brown LYN Taylor Hayes SU
Jackie Lerro LYN Kelsey Jones SU
Maria Teresa Ambrogi-Torres RMC Isabella Morande SU
Claire Magill RMC Laurem Paolano W&L
Lauren Heffron RC    


2021 Spring
Offensive Player of the Year: Kelsey Jones, Shenandoah
Defensive Player of the Year: Sara Amil, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Farren Winter, Shenandoah

Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Laurel Nicks, Lynchburg

Courtney Cooke BC Kelsey Jones SU
Alexis Brown LYN Grace Amaden W&L
Jackie Lerro LYN Sara Amil W&L
Claire Magill RMC Kailey Fitzgerald  W&L
Lauren Heffron RC Tess Muneses W&L
Emilee Wooten RC    


Offensive Player of the Year: Tess Muneses, Washington and Lee
Defensive Player of the Year: Sara Amil, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Mairead McKibbin, Shenandoah

Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Tess Muneses, Washington and Lee

Jackie Lerro LYN Tess Muneses W&L
Emilee Wooten  RC Aaryn Boatwright LYN
Mairead McKibbin SU Alexis Wright RC
Grace Weise W&L Elise Velasquez SU
Kessa Romero LYN Abby Hamilton W&L
Kelsey Jones SU Sara Amil W&L
Kailey Fitzgerald  W&L    


Offensive Player of the Year: Mairead McKibbin, Shenandoah
Defensive Player of the Year: Elise Velasquez, Shenandoah
Rookie of the Year: Betty Boatwright, Washington and Lee

Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Tess Muneses, Washington and Lee

Emily Yanes LYN Tess Muneses W&L
Mairead McKibbin SU Aaryn Boatwright LYN
Cassidy Morrison SU Ryleigh Cameron LYN
Freddie Tobeason W&L Elise Velasquez SU
Peyton Tysinger W&L Jenny Lerner W&L
Brittany Claybaugh LYN Kayla Brady LYN
Kelsey Jones SU