Taylor Garcia, Washington and Lee, Fy.

Taylor Garcia, Washington and Lee, Fy.

Garcia a first-year from Mandeville, La., helped the Generals to a 1-1 record in two of the three team matches played last week. She earned a 6-0, 6-2 win over Virginia Wesleyan's Christine Zalameda in No. 1 singles and paired with first-year Georgia Wright in No. 1 doubles to claim an 8-2 win over Audrey Bally and Katie Staman. Garcia also secured one of the team's two points against Division I Longwood on Saturday, as she and Wright defeated Yulia Almiron and Jamie Breunig, 8-4, in No. 1 doubles. Garcia finished the week with a 3-0 record between doubles and singles, and is now 5-3 in singles competition this season and 4-4 in doubles.