1 Bridgewater 39 1355 247 372 52 10 8 211 153 210 37 11 .275 .359 .345
2 Eastern Mennonite 34 1182 204 348 43 10 1 173 100 183 27 13 .294 .361 .350
3 Emory & Henry 34 1153 163 326 57 6 22 152 87 188 20 18 .283 .342 .400
4 Guilford 36 1196 170 309 53 5 5 148 117 227 17 8 .258 .337 .324
5 Hampden-Sydney 33 1131 137 314 53 4 9 130 82 207 31 12 .278 .337 .355
6 Lynchburg 35 1236 222 369 81 8 10 201 143 209 21 16 .299 .380 .401
7 Randolph-Macon 36 1286 255 406 65 3 15 219 146 188 50 10 .316 .396 .406
8 Roanoke 32 1090 203 328 72 11 9 181 108 199 57 11 .301 .371 .412
9 Shenandoah 39 1319 262 404 80 12 22 228 144 187 43 21 .306 .387 .435
10 Virginia Wesleyan 34 1228 212 368 66 12 17 191 101 256 36 16 .300 .363 .414
11 Washington and Lee 24 796 94 190 29 6 1 85 39 150 9 3 .239 .281 .294
1 Bridgewater 39 32 10 35 468 70 20 384 378 1.02 1585
2 Eastern Mennonite 34 29 11 35 414 54 25 336 300 1.12 1357
3 Emory & Henry 34 22 9 28 461 85 30 357 278 1.28 1299
4 Guilford 36 30 11 26 387 63 23 334 306 1.09 1380
5 Hampden-Sydney 33 23 8 27 402 66 16 315 304 1.04 1271
6 Lynchburg 35 29 15 35 496 99 19 355 301 1.18 1458
7 Randolph-Macon 36 38 19 20 522 83 38 356 327 1.09 1509
8 Roanoke 32 25 21 26 449 92 26 239 318 .75 1270
9 Shenandoah 39 40 17 53 574 114 34 418 322 1.30 1573
10 Virginia Wesleyan 34 28 11 9 509 95 17 275 296 .93 1377
11 Washington and Lee 24 11 9 12 234 36 16 231 221 1.05 867
1 Bridgewater 39 346.2 373 229 174 145 190 4.93 14 4.52 -
2 Eastern Mennonite 34 287.0 378 233 184 104 164 5.14 18 5.77 -
2 Emory & Henry 34 280.2 431 312 234 163 141 4.52 13 7.50 -
2 Guilford 36 299.0 386 214 173 105 205 6.17 11 5.21 -
2 Hampden-Sydney 33 285.2 322 181 129 96 191 6.02 5 4.06 -
2 Lynchburg 35 303.1 370 205 154 98 195 5.79 7 4.57 -
2 Randolph-Macon 36 321.0 349 146 112 77 259 7.26 13 3.14 -
2 Roanoke 32 273.1 277 153 120 106 211 6.95 10 3.95 -
2 Shenandoah 39 344.0 284 144 107 106 253 6.62 7 2.80 -
2 Virginia Wesleyan 34 297.1 301 170 134 109 209 6.33 13 4.06 -
2 Washington and Lee 24 204.0 237 150 121 86 130 5.74 8 5.34 -
1 Bridgewater 39 1620 1040 501 79 .951 43 30 12 .286 9 -
2 Eastern Mennonite 34 1262 861 342 59 .953 24 39 9 .188 5 -
2 Emory & Henry 34 1261 842 342 77 .939 30 47 12 .203 16 1
4 Guilford 36 1333 897 371 65 .951 22 32 12 .273 11 1
4 Hampden-Sydney 33 1307 857 386 64 .951 24 55 15 .214 10 -
6 Lynchburg 35 1394 910 411 73 .948 26 29 15 .341 12 -
6 Randolph-Macon 36 1381 963 355 63 .954 23 24 17 .415 5 1
8 Roanoke 32 1209 820 344 45 .963 27 21 13 .382 4 -
9 Shenandoah 39 1541 1032 442 67 .957 32 11 8 .421 6 2
10 Virginia Wesleyan 34 1315 892 360 63 .952 23 39 8 .170 8 -
11 Washington and Lee 24 943 612 293 38 .960 23 20 13 .394 8 -
1 Bridgewater 15 1,987 132
2 Eastern Mennonite 14 1,535 110
3 Emory & Henry 12 1,031 86
4 Guilford 16 1,630 102
5 Hampden-Sydney 13 1,629 125
6 Lynchburg 14 1,703 122
7 Randolph-Macon 19 5,346 281
8 Roanoke 19 2,300 121
9 Shenandoah 19 2,208 116
10 Virginia Wesleyan 14 3,381 242
11 Washington and Lee 12 1,536 128
1 Bridgewater 20 723 131 201 28 6 6 108 62 113 20 8 .278 .345 .358
2 Eastern Mennonite 20 712 106 201 25 2 1 89 45 108 10 8 .282 .335 .327
3 Emory & Henry 20 682 85 180 35 3 12 78 45 112 5 7 .264 .315 .377
4 Guilford 20 716 103 196 32 3 4 92 59 131 7 4 .274 .340 .344
5 Hampden-Sydney 20 700 97 201 34 3 6 92 44 101 13 6 .287 .341 .370
6 Lynchburg 20 720 129 223 43 4 7 117 75 118 10 10 .310 .384 .410
7 Randolph-Macon 20 745 150 236 31 2 8 128 86 109 17 4 .317 .397 .396
8 Roanoke 20 695 119 210 40 6 9 106 67 128 30 8 .302 .368 .416
9 Shenandoah 20 712 162 237 45 6 14 141 74 89 25 11 .333 .405 .472
10 Virginia Wesleyan 20 739 140 231 34 11 11 128 57 150 24 13 .313 .373 .433
11 Washington and Lee 20 672 76 160 24 4 1 69 25 126 8 2 .238 .273 .290
1 Bridgewater 20 13 1 20 259 40 8 209 192 1.09 819
2 Eastern Mennonite 20 15 7 29 233 28 15 214 184 1.16 808
3 Emory & Henry 20 8 5 17 257 50 18 216 172 1.26 757
4 Guilford 20 16 7 18 246 39 14 191 187 1.02 816
5 Hampden-Sydney 20 15 4 18 259 43 11 207 197 1.05 781
6 Lynchburg 20 17 9 22 295 54 12 206 177 1.16 843
7 Randolph-Macon 20 19 10 10 295 41 24 197 198 .99 870
8 Roanoke 20 13 14 15 289 55 18 157 200 .79 804
9 Shenandoah 20 20 11 24 336 65 23 227 159 1.43 841
10 Virginia Wesleyan 20 18 6 4 320 56 11 160 172 .93 824
11 Washington and Lee 20 10 8 9 195 29 15 200 183 1.09 724
1 Bridgewater 20 179.1 198 114 82 72 91 4.57 6 4.12 -
2 Eastern Mennonite 20 176.0 232 143 107 59 87 4.45 14 5.47 -
2 Emory & Henry 20 170.0 283 209 154 82 90 4.76 8 8.15 -
2 Guilford 20 175.0 227 122 95 51 123 6.33 7 4.89 -
2 Hampden-Sydney 20 176.0 205 113 75 44 115 5.88 5 3.84 -
2 Lynchburg 20 177.1 223 113 90 46 116 5.89 4 4.57 -
2 Randolph-Macon 20 182.2 208 93 71 40 167 8.23 9 3.50 -
2 Roanoke 20 175.0 171 99 83 71 130 6.69 9 4.27 -
2 Shenandoah 20 177.0 146 76 55 52 132 6.71 3 2.80 -
2 Virginia Wesleyan 20 176.0 177 88 74 54 128 6.55 6 3.78 -
2 Washington and Lee 20 172.0 206 128 102 67 106 5.55 8 5.34 -
1 Bridgewater 20 845 538 264 43 .949 24 16 3 .158 2 -
2 Eastern Mennonite 20 773 528 210 35 .955 14 20 7 .259 3 -
2 Emory & Henry 20 758 510 201 47 .938 18 21 7 .250 13 1
4 Guilford 20 776 525 215 36 .954 13 17 7 .292 5 -
5 Hampden-Sydney 20 799 528 234 37 .954 13 27 6 .182 9 -
5 Lynchburg 20 801 532 231 38 .953 16 9 8 .471 6 -
5 Randolph-Macon 20 772 548 192 32 .959 14 11 5 .313 2 1
8 Roanoke 20 766 525 221 20 .974 11 13 11 .458 2 -
9 Shenandoah 20 781 531 212 38 .951 17 2 4 .667 4 1
10 Virginia Wesleyan 20 752 528 196 28 .963 11 17 4 .190 3 -
11 Washington and Lee 20 798 516 248 34 .957 18 15 12 .444 7 -
1 Bridgewater 7 1,118 160
2 Eastern Mennonite 9 1,137 126
3 Emory & Henry 10 818 82
4 Guilford 9 870 97
5 Hampden-Sydney 9 1,069 119
6 Lynchburg 10 1,369 137
7 Randolph-Macon 10 3,128 313
8 Roanoke 11 1,532 139
9 Shenandoah 11 1,246 113
10 Virginia Wesleyan 10 2,806 281
11 Washington and Lee 10 1,335 134