Meg Stevens
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Averett University |
Phone: | 434-791-5700 |
Email: | mstevens@averett.edu |

Tom Galbraith
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Randolph College |
Phone: | 434-947-8537 |
Email: | tgalbraith@randolphcollege.edu |

Curt Kendall
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Bridgewater College |
Phone: | 540-828-5407 |
Email: | ckendall@bridgewater.edu |

Jeff Burns
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Randolph-Macon College |
Phone: | 804-752-7367 |
Email: | jburns@rmc.edu |

Carrie Bert
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Eastern Mennonite University |
Phone: | 540-432-4331 |
Email: | carrie.bert@emu.edu |

Scott Allison
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Roanoke College |
Phone: | 540-375-2337 |
Email: | allison@roanoke.edu |

John Sutyak
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Ferrum College |
Phone: | 540-365-4493 |
Email: | jsutyak@ferrum.edu |

Dr. Bridget Lyons
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Shenandoah University |
Phone: | 540-665-4566 |
Email: | blyons@su.edu |

Bill Foti
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Guilford College |
Phone: | 336-316-2190 |
Email: | wfoti@guilford.edu |

Jason Vittone
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Sweet Briar College |
Phone: | 434-381-6730 |
Email: | jvittone@sbc.edu |

Chad Eisele
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Hampden-Sydney College |
Phone: | 434-223-6153 |
Email: | ceisele@hsc.edu |

Andrea Hoover-Erbig
Title: | Executive Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Virginia Wesleyan University |
Phone: | 757-455-3136 |
Email: | ahoover@vwu.edu |

Chris Kilcoyne
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Hollins University |
Phone: | 540-362-6435 |
Email: | kilcoynecm@hollins.edu |

Jan Hathorn
Title: | Michael F. Walsh Director of Athletics |
Organization: | Washington and Lee University |
Phone: | 540-458-8671 |
Email: | hathornj@wlu.edu |

Jon Waters
Title: | Director of Athletics |
Organization: | University of Lynchburg |
Phone: | 434-544-8498 |
Email: | waters.j@lynchburg.edu |