Generals Administration and Support Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
William C. Dudley |
540-458-8700 | presidentdudley@wlu.edu |
Jan Hathorn |
Director of Athletics
540-458-8671 | hathornj@wlu.edu |
Bethany Dannelly |
Associate Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations
540-458-8687 | bdannelly@wlu.edu |
Bryan Snyder |
Associate Director of Athletics for Finance
540-458-8946 | snyderb@wlu.edu |
Gene McCabe |
Assistant Director of Athletics for Compliance
540-458-8678 | mccabee@wlu.edu |
Christine Clancy |
Assistant Director of Athletics for Physical Education
540-458-8202 | clancyc@wlu.edu |
Erin Ness |
Senior Woman Administrator
540-458-8115 | nesse@wlu.edu |
Sydney Anderson |
Director of Athletic Communications
540-458-8676 | sanderson@wlu.edu |
Will Wallace |
Associate Director of Athletic Communications
540-458-8988 | wwallace@wlu.edu |
Matt Eaker |
Assistant Director of Athletic Communications
meaker@wlu.edu | |
Matt Tuchler |
Faculty Athletic Representative
540-458-8029 | TuchlerM@wlu.edu |
Josh Williamson |
Head Athletic Trainer/NCAA Athletics Health Care Administrator
540-458-8690 | williamsonj@wlu.edu |
Bethany Dannelly |
Athletics Diversity & Inclusion Designee
434-962-9542 | bdannelly@vwu.edu |
Chris Wheeler |
Manager of Athletic Facilities and Equipment
540-458-8068 | wheelerc@wlu.edu |
Carolyne Mayo |
Administrative Assistant
540-458-8673 | mayoc@wlu.edu |
Denise Bashlor |
Administrative Assistant
540-458-8672 | dbashlor@wlu.edu |
Generals Coaching Staff
Name | Title | Phone | |
Ted White |
Baseball - Head Coach
540-458-8211 | whitet@wlu.edu |
Chris McHugh |
Basketball (M) - Head Coach
540-458-8691 | mchughc@wlu.edu |
Christine Clancy |
Basketball (W) - Head Coach
540-458-8202 | clancyc@wlu.edu |
Brandon Spalding |
Cross Country (M) - Head Coach
540-458-8667 | spaldingb@wlu.edu |
Michael Dager |
Cross Country (W) - Head Coach
540-458-8679 | dagerm@wlu.edu |
Gina Wills |
Field Hockey - Head Coach
540-458-8675 | willsr@wlu.edu |
Garrett LeRose |
Football - Head Coach
540-458-8137 | leroseg@wlu.edu |
Pete Gyscek |
Golf (M) - Head Coach
540-458-8389 | gyscekp@wlu.edu |
Pete Gyscek |
Golf (W) - Head Coach
540-458-8389 | gyscepk@wlu.edu |
Gene McCabe |
Lacrosse (M) - Head Coach
540-458-8678 | mccabee@wlu.edu |
Maddie Coleman |
Lacrosse (W) - Head Coach
540-458-8668 | mcoleman@wlu.edu |
Gordon Reistrup |
Riding - Head Coach
540-463-7470 | shwjmpr@rockbridge.net |
Michael Singleton |
Soccer (M) - Head Coach
540-458-8685 | singletonm@wlu.edu |
Tiffany Pins |
Soccer (W) - Head Coach
540-458-8056 | tpins@wlu.edu |
Kami Gardner |
Swimming (M/W) - Head Coach
540-458-8481 | gardnerka@wlu.edu |
David Detwiler |
Tennis (M) - Head Coach
540-458-8118 | detwilerd@wlu.edu |
Erin Ness |
Tennis (W) - Head Coach
540-458-8115 | nesse@wlu.edu |
Brandon Uhl |
Track (M) - Head Coach
540-458-8349 | uhlb@wlu.edu |
Dana Freeman |
Track (W) - Head Coach
540-458-8965 | freemand@wlu.edu |
Bryan Snyder |
Volleyball - Head Coach
540-458-8946 | snyderb@wlu.edu |
Nathan Shearer |
Wrestling - Head Coach
540-458-8683 | shearern@wlu.edu |