Old Dominion Athletic Conference
All-Time Field Hockey All-Conference Teams
Player of the Year: Phebe Phelps, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Inturissi, Lynchburg
Phebe Phelps | LC | Amy Vallaro | RC |
Shelly Scott | EMC | Allison McClaughlin | EMC |
Terry Apperson | LC | Grace Burke | R-MC |
Madge Hall | SBC | Melanie Gehret | EMC |
Carolyn Williams | SBC | Leslie Rowan | HC |
Kerry Berman | LC | Tammy Zeyher | BC |
Trudy Maraschean | LC |
Player of the Year: Phebe Phelps, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Catherine McCrory, Hollins
Phebe Phelps | LC | Madge Hall | SBC |
Mary Earl McClroy | SBC | Linda Burkhart | EMC |
Shelly Scott | EMC | Kim Wright | BC |
Michelle Volkee | BC | Joyce Darrell | LC |
Kappie Fraher | LC | Denise Jenkins | R-MC |
Wendy Hoyt | RC |
Player of the Year: Terry Apperson, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Inturrisi, Lynchburg
Terry Apperson | LC | Lee Carroll | SBC |
Linda Burkhart | EMC | Michelle Volker | BC |
Cheryl Burgey | EMC | Mary Ferraro | LC |
Grace Burke | R-MC | Tracy Paxton | EMC |
Patti Brennen | LC | Denise Jenkins | R-MC |
Kappie Fraher | LC |
Player of the Year: Linda Burkhart, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite
Linda Burkhart | EMC | Ann Wenger | EMC |
Kappie Fraher | LC | Allison Ferguson | RC |
Cornelia Woodworth | SBC | Missy Ackerman | SBC |
Lee Carroll | SBC | Julie Gardner | RC |
Monica Mahoney | SBC | Cathy Conway | R-MC |
Nancy Cherati | BC |
Player of the Year: Missy Ackerman, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite
Missy Ackerman | SBC | Ann Wenger | EMC |
Monica Mahoney | SBC | Lynn Potsma | LC |
Patti Brennan | LC | Allison Ferguson | RC |
Diana Owens | R-MWC | Diane Kurtz | RC |
Cathy Conway | R-MC | Dee McGlenn | RC |
Nancy Cherati | BC |
Player of the Year: Ann Wenger, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite
Ann Wenger | EMC | Karen Spicer | RC |
Monica Mahoney | SBC | Sandy Racis | LC |
Rinn Siegrist | EMC | Lynn Postma | LC |
Lynn Miller | LC | Diane Owens | R-MWC |
Patty Dzikowicz | BC | Martha Walker | EMC |
Jennifer Walsh | LC |
Player of the Year: Monica Mahoney, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
Monica Mahoney | SBC | Litsa Coroneos | LC |
Tina Book | EMC | Stephanie Heil | RC |
Amy Ottaway | SBC | Samantha Goodman | RC |
Karen Lauffenburger | LC | Shauna Tavares | R-MC |
Rinn Siegrist | EMC | Wendy Emory | HC |
Carmen Vaught | MBC |
Player of the Year: Tina Book, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
Litsa Coroneos | LC | Patti Dzikowicz | BC |
Tina Book | EMC | Leslie Carpenter | LC |
Mary Fran Gilliford | R-MC | Stephanie Hall | RC |
Jennifer Gregg | SBC | Lisa Morris | R-MC |
Radella Todd | EMC | Maribeth Miller (G) | RC |
Lynn Miller | LC |
Player of the Year: Jennifer Gregg, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite
Radella Vrolijk | EMC | Litsa Coroneos | LC |
Patti Dzikowicz | BC | Jennifer Gregg | SBC |
Deb Gosser | R-MC | Karen Spicer | RC |
Leslie Carpenter | LC | Julia Weaver | EMC |
Sonya Hershey | EMC | Beatrice Shaw | HC |
Vanessa Mandel | R-MWC |
Player of the Year: Radella Vrolijk, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Pam Spots, Randolph-Macon
Carolyn Anderson | BC | Alice Webb | R-MC |
Radella Vrolijk | EMC | Mary Fran Gilliford | R-MC |
Gina Hoover | EMC | Kimberly Saul | R-MC |
Sally Hoyer | LC | Cindy Dillard | RC |
Kara Summers | LC | Tracy Stuart | SBC |
Lane McLeod | MBC |
Player of the Year: Kara Summers, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Jennifer Crispen, Sweet Briar
Jeane' Horning | EMC | Mindy Manolovich | LC |
Kara Summers | LC | Tracy Stuart | SBC |
Megan Maltby | SBC | Keller Whitney | HC |
Carolyn Anderson | BC | Julie Hanover | BC |
Chase Carrick | RC | Danielle Stephens | EMC |
Julie Hurst | EMC |
Player of the Year: Jeane` Horning, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Sandy Brownscombe, Eastern Mennonite
Krista Seelig (G) | BC | Kelli Rummell | LC |
Carolyn Anderson | BC | Nikki Sedgwick | LC |
Jeane` Horning | EMC | Alison Smith | R-MC |
Danielle Stephens | EMC | Lisa Caruso | RC |
Marjie Wasson | HC | Shelby Snyder | SBC |
Kara Summers | LC |
Player of the Year: Kara Summers, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Terri Sawyer, Virginia Wesleyan
Carolyn Anderson | BC | Alison Smith | R-MC |
Missy Brubaker | EMU | Lisa Caruso | RC |
Candi Sauder | EMU | Shelby Snyder | SBC |
Marjie Wasson | HC | Monica Saltarelli | VWC |
Kara Summers | LC | Katie Happel (G) | LC |
Sarah Gioffre | LC |
Player of the Year: Candi Sauder, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Jennifer Crispin, Sweet Briar
Candi Sauder | EMU | Lynette Ginder | BC |
Alison Smith | R-MC | Monica Saltarelli | VWC |
Sarah Gioffre | LC | Tabatha Clapper | R-MWC |
Christen Cummings | SBC | Krista Ebersole | EMU |
Kelly Jo Kern | EMU | Jen Kooker (G) | EMU |
Ali Ogelsby | RC |
Player of the Year: Sarah Gioffre, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Missy Ackerman, Randolph-Macon
Tara Engel | BC | Krista Ebersole | EMU |
Kristen Brubaker | EMU | Sarah Gioffre | LC |
Tanya Robinson | R-MC | Katie Walker | R-MC |
Amy Boomershine | R-MWC | Tina Boyce | RC |
Ali Ogelsby | RC | Christen Cummings | SBC |
Monica Saltarelli | VWC |
Player of the Year: Krista Ebersole, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Linwood Vrolijk, Eastern Mennonite
Krista Ebersole | EMU | Kirsten Brubaker | EMU |
Ali Ogelsby | RC | Amy Rafalski | BC |
Erin Sammons | R-MC | Heather Allen | EMU |
Nichole Elliott | VWC | Amy Boomershine | R-MWC |
Holly Ware | BC | Tina Boyce | RC |
Tanya Robinson | R-MC |
Player of the Year: Kirsten Brubaker, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Linwood Vrolijk, Eastern Mennonite
Holly Ware | BC | Karen Gibbs | R-MC |
Kirsten Brubaker | EMU | Mary Cate Slay | R-MWC |
Laura Hess | EMU | Katrina Scagliotti | RC |
Kim Brenneman | EMU | Charity Gent | VWC |
Jen Schwarzenbeck | LC | Felicia Martin | R-MC |
Erin Sammons | R-MC |
Player of the Year: Karen Gibbs, Randolph-Macon
Coach of the Year: Missy Ackerman, Randolph-Macon
Sherri Allebach | EMU | Alice Collins | R-MC |
Jenn Dixon | SBC | Charity Gent | VWC |
Karen Gibbs | R-MC | Jodi Godbout | RC |
Laura Hess | EMU | Abbie Marvel | LC |
Lydia Price | EMU | Dana Rigot | RC |
Holly Ware | BC |
Player of the Year: Sara Nissley, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Sadie Garnache-Poirier, Sweet Briar
Coach of the Year: Jen Crispen, Sweet Briar
Ali Boyd | RC | Alice Collins | R-MC |
Jenn Dixon | SBC | Sadie Garnache-Poirier | SBC |
Jodi Godbout | RC | Mary Joyner | RC |
Abbie Marvel | LC | Raye Jean McMichael | VWC |
Sara Nissley | EMU | Kara Souder | EMU |
Kristen Moyer | EMU |
Player of the Year: Jodi Godbout, Roanoke
Rookie of the Year: Liz Achee, Randolph-Macon
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
Kristen Moyer | EMU | Linda Jack | LC |
Jodi Godbout | RC | Misa Sarmento | SBC |
Nicole Yodice | RC | Shannon McGinnis | LC |
Sarah Wyant | BC | Summer Foster | VWC |
Jimena Blanco | R-MWC | Mara Friedman | R-MC |
Allary Braitsch | RC |
Player of the Year: Kristin Moyer, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Jonalyn Denlinger, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Wendy Orrison, Washington and Lee
Kristen Moyer | EMU | Linda Jack | LC |
Nicole Yodice | RC | Jonalyn Denlinger | EMU |
Jimenca Blanco | R-MWC | Kyla Hoffman | LC |
Allary Braitsch | RC | Molly Everngam | SBC |
Kitt Murphy | W&L | Carrie Brittingham | R-MC |
Jenn Wiley | SBC |
Player of the Year: Kristin Moyer, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Chrissy Clancy, Virginia Wesleyan
Co-Coaches of the Year: Brenda Bechler, Eastern Mennonite and Kim-Michael Mertes, Virginia Wesleyan
Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Kristin Moyer, Eastern Mennonite
Kristen Moyer | EMU | Jackie Griffin | VWC |
Jonalyn Denlinger | EMU | Jenn Wiley | SBC |
Summer Foster | VWC | Kelly Taffe | W&L |
Andrea Fleming | LC | Rachel Flint | RC |
Lyndsay Edginton | R-MC | Jimena Blanco | R-MWC |
Stephanie Jones | BC |
Player of the Year: Andrea Fleming, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Liz Hudson, Roanoke
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
Scholar-Athlete of the Year: Jonalyn Denlinger, Eastern Mennonite
Anna Moore | LC | Erin Spadaro | BC |
Jonalyn Denlinger | EMU | Jenn Wiley | SBC |
Rebecca Hatchett | W&L | Ginger Tripp | SBC |
Andrea Fleming | LC | Cara Byrd | VWC |
Lisa Ehst | EMU | Liz Hudson | RC |
S.B. Northen | W&L |
Player of the Year: Jenn Wiley, Sweet Briar
Rookie of the Year: Liz Garson, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Wendy Orrison, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Courtney Harrison, Washington and Lee
Chrissy Clancy | VWC | Kara Culkin | LC |
Jonalyn Denlinger | EMU | Jenn Wiley | SBC |
Lyndsay Edginton | R-MC | Liz Hudson | RC |
Andrea Fleming | LC | Kendall Korte | W&L |
Erin Spadaro | BC | Kristie Souder | EMU |
SB Northen | W&L |
Player of the Year: Kendall Korte, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Allie Weir, Lynchburg College
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg College
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Torrie Higgins, Randolph-Macon
Sallie Armstrong | W&L | Kendall Korte | W&L |
Chrissy Clancy | VWC | Kristina Landis | EMU |
Morgan Crandall | LC | Lindsey Paz | RC |
Torrie Higgins | R-MC | Erin Spadaro | BC |
Samantha Howard | LC | Allie Weir | LC |
Ariana Kleeman | LC |
Player of the Year: Kendall Korte, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Emily Mathews, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Brenda Bechler, Eastern Mennonite
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kristina Landis, Eastern Mennonite
Sallie Armstrong | W&L | Kristina Landis | EMU |
Ashley Crouch | R-MC | Signey Milks | LC |
Alyssa Derstine | EMU | Lindsey Paz | RC |
Samantha Howard | LC | Sarah Roth | EMU |
Lisa King | EMU | Allie Weir | LC |
Kendall Korte | W&L |
Co-Players of the Year: Allie Weir, Lynchburg and Alyssa Derstine, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Kristina Morris, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kristina Landis, Eastern Mennonite
Sallie Armstrong | W&L | Emily Mathews | W&L |
Ashley Crouch | R-MC | Molly McGonegle | SBC |
Alyssa Derstine | EMU | Signey Milks | LC |
Liz Garson | W&L | Allie Weir | LC |
Kalah Hess | BC | Jenny Weir | LC |
Kristina Landis | EMU |
Player of the Year: Alyssa Derstine, Eastern Mennonite
Rookie of the Year: Taylor Harding, Virginia Wesleyan
Co-Coaches of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg and Wendy Orrison, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Karissa Sauder, Eastern Mennonite
Sallie Armstrong | W&L | Karissa Sauder | EMU |
Alyssa Derstine | EMU | Christine Scichilone | RC |
Kalah Hess | BC | Allie Weir | LC |
Grace McGee | W&L | Jenny Weir | LC |
Signey Milks | LC | Allie Wheeler | RMC |
Sarah Roth | EMU |
Player of the Year: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Morgan Spicher, Eastern Mennonite
Coach of the Year: Crystal Carper, Randolph-Macon
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Emmy Mathews, Washington and Lee
Erin Clare Cassidy | R-MC | Hailee Rittle | EMU |
Kalah Hess | BC | Kelly Tran | W&L |
Monica Jenkins | R-MC | Taylor Waddell | BC |
Vanessa Landis | EMU | Amanda Wain | LC |
Emmy Mathews | W&L | Jenny Weir | LC |
Shelly Milks | LC |
Player of the Year: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Katie Kline, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Jennifer Bateman | BC | Mikaela Rumley | R-MC |
Tiffany Frye | LC | Adriana Santiago | EMU |
Valerie Landis | EMU | Lauren Seal | R-MC |
Londsay Leonard | LC | Amber Vanhorn | SU |
Shelly Milks | LC | Amanda Wain | LC |
Valerie Nowlan | VWC |
Player of the Year: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Alexandra Darrow, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Kim Iman-Bianchi, Shenandoah
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Shelly Milks, Lynchburg
Caroline Augsberger | BC | Victoria Van Natten | W&L |
Joan Burleson | BC | Adriana Santiago | EMU |
Carrie Jacobs | R-MC | Lauren Seal | R-MC |
Lindsay Leonard | LC | Amber Vanhorn | SU |
Nicole Marburger | LC | Nicole Woodworth | R-MC |
Shelly Milks | LC |
Player of the Year: Ashley Cross, Shenandoah
Rookie of the Year: Noelani Schulmeyer, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Ashley Smeltzer, Shenandoah
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Colleen Dickson, Bridgewater
Caroline Augsberger | BC | Sarah Clare | SU |
Mandy Stowers | EMU | Ashley Cross | SU |
Melanie Tenney | LC | Presha Merritt | SU |
Kelli Williams | LC | Taylor Lober | VWC |
Carrie Jacobs | R-MC | Riley Hampsch | W&L |
Lauren Seal | R-MC |
Player of the Year: Caroline Augsburger, Bridgewater
Rookie of the Year: Jenna Rampale, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Allyson Kenyon, Bridgewater
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Tanya Puccio, Virginia Wesleyan
Caroline Augsberger | BC | Olivia Newman | R-MC |
Taylor Prillaman | BC | Shelbi Holloman | RC |
Courtney Gillette | LC | Presha Merritt | SU |
Kelsey Link | LC | Lindsay Baker | VWC |
Bianca Merritt | LC | Maggie Waxter | W&L |
Carrie Jacobs | R-MC |
Player of the Year: Nicole Simpao, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Nicole Simpao, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kelani Bailey, Shenandoah
Rachel Loy | BC | Heather Schauder | RC |
Taylor Prillaman | BC | Kelani Bailey | SU |
Emily Augsburger | EMU | Presha Merritt | SU |
Nicole Simpao | LC | Kendall Peterson | W&L |
Shelbi Holloman | RC | Maggie Waxter | W&L |
Kellie Jasinski | RC |
Player of the Year: Maggie Waxter, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Taylor Hayes, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Ashley Smeltzer-Kraft, Shenandoah
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Kendall Peterson, Washington and Lee
Shannon Strosser | BC | Shelbi Holloman | RC |
Emily Augsburger | EMU | Kellie Jasinski | RC |
Hannah Krause | LC | Elizabeth Pardo | SU |
Nicole Simpao | LC | Kendall Peterson | W&L |
Kaitee Nicholas | R-MC | Maggie Waxter | W&L |
Kelsey Stanley | R-MC |
Player of the Year: Haley Tucker, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Jackie Lerro, Lynchburg
Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Elizabeth Pardo, Shenandoah
Laura Gretz | BC | Kaylin Stenson | RC |
Emily Augsburger | EMU | Taylor Hayes | SU |
Hannah Krause | LC | Morgan Payne | SU |
Jackie Lerro | LC | Maggie Sands | W&L |
Nikki Simpao | LC | Haley Tucker | W&L |
Emma Clark | RC |
Player of the Year: Nikki Simpao, Lynchburg
Rookie of the Year: Kelsey Jones, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Morgan Payne, Shenandoah
Alexis Brown | LYN | Emilee Wooten | RC |
Kayla Copeman | LYN | Taylor Hayes | SU |
Jackie Lerro | LYN | Morgan Payne | SU |
Nikki Simpao | LYN | Lauren Paolano | W&L |
Emma Clark | RC | Haley Tucker | W&L |
Kaylin Stenson | RC |
Offensive Player of the Year: Jackie Lerro, Lynchburg
Defensive Player of the Year: Isabella Morande, Shenandoah
Rookie of the Year: Kailey Fitzgerald, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Laurel Nicks, Lynchburg
Courtney Cooke | BC | Emilee Wooten | RC |
Alexis Brown | LYN | Taylor Hayes | SU |
Jackie Lerro | LYN | Kelsey Jones | SU |
Maria Teresa Ambrogi-Torres | RMC | Isabella Morande | SU |
Claire Magill | RMC | Laurem Paolano | W&L |
Lauren Heffron | RC |
2021 Spring
Offensive Player of the Year: Kelsey Jones, Shenandoah
Defensive Player of the Year: Sara Amil, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Farren Winter, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Enza Steele, Lynchburg
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Laurel Nicks, Lynchburg
Courtney Cooke | BC | Kelsey Jones | SU |
Alexis Brown | LYN | Grace Amaden | W&L |
Jackie Lerro | LYN | Sara Amil | W&L |
Claire Magill | RMC | Kailey Fitzgerald | W&L |
Lauren Heffron | RC | Tess Muneses | W&L |
Emilee Wooten | RC |
Offensive Player of the Year: Tess Muneses, Washington and Lee
Defensive Player of the Year: Sara Amil, Washington and Lee
Rookie of the Year: Mairead McKibbin, Shenandoah
Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Tess Muneses, Washington and Lee
Jackie Lerro | LYN | Tess Muneses | W&L |
Emilee Wooten | RC | Aaryn Boatwright | LYN |
Mairead McKibbin | SU | Alexis Wright | RC |
Grace Weise | W&L | Elise Velasquez | SU |
Kessa Romero | LYN | Abby Hamilton | W&L |
Kelsey Jones | SU | Sara Amil | W&L |
Kailey Fitzgerald | W&L |
Offensive Player of the Year: Mairead McKibbin, Shenandoah
Defensive Player of the Year: Elise Velasquez, Shenandoah
Rookie of the Year: Betty Boatwright, Washington and Lee
Coach of the Year: Gina Wills, Washington and Lee
ODAC/Farm Bureau Scholar-Athlete: Tess Muneses, Washington and Lee
Emily Yanes | LYN | Tess Muneses | W&L |
Mairead McKibbin | SU | Aaryn Boatwright | LYN |
Cassidy Morrison | SU | Ryleigh Cameron | LYN |
Freddie Tobeason | W&L | Elise Velasquez | SU |
Peyton Tysinger | W&L | Jenny Lerner | W&L |
Brittany Claybaugh | LYN | Kayla Brady | LYN |
Kelsey Jones | SU |