Averett at Washington and Lee (Duchossois Tennis Center)
10/10/2019 at 5:34 pm

Final 1 2 3 4 Score
Washington and Lee (16-5,7-1 ODAC) 25 11 25 25 3
Averett (9-12,1-7 USA South) 13 25 17 18 1
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd  |  4th
AUW -- 1st -- WLU
  WLU starters: Caroline, , Gard; Katy, Blain; Kiera, Borthwick; Ashley, Webb; Ashleigh, Meade; Madeline, Ferguson; Brynne, Gould.  
  AUW starters: Myka, Patterson; Lauren, Montren; McKenzie, Miller; Sarah, Shropshire; Morgan, Barnes; Madison, Dadez; Zamyiah, Mangum.  
1-0 [Miller, McKenzie] Attack error by Gould, Brynne (from Gard, Caroline ). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 1-1
2-1 [Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Barnes, Morgan (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Montren, Lauren] Service error. Point WLU 2-2
[Webb, Ashley] Attack error by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 2-3
[Webb, Ashley] Ball handling error by Miller, McKenzie. Point WLU 2-4
3-4 [Webb, Ashley] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
  AUW subs: Scollo, Harper.  
[Scollo, Harper] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 3-5
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Meade, Ashleigh (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 3-6
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 3-7
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 3-8
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Meade, Ashleigh (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 3-9
4-9 [Gould, Brynne] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
  AUW subs: Hopkins, Meg.  
[Hopkins, Meg] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 4-10
5-10 [Gard, Caroline ] Service error. Point AUW
[Mangum, Zamyiah] Kill by Meade, Ashleigh (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 5-11
6-11 [Borthwick, Kiera] Attack error by Meade, Ashleigh. Point AUW
7-11 [Patterson, Myka] Attack error by Meade, Ashleigh (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
[Patterson, Myka] Kill by Ferguson, Madeline (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 7-12
[Meade, Ashleigh] Attack error by Montren, Lauren (block by Ferguson, Madeline; Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 7-13
8-13 [Meade, Ashleigh] Kill by Montren, Lauren (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
9-13 [Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Barnes, Morgan (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
10-13 [Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Barnes, Morgan). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Service error. Point WLU 10-14
[Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Meade, Ashleigh). Point WLU 10-15
[Ferguson, Madeline] Attack error by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 10-16
[Ferguson, Madeline] Bad set by Miller, McKenzie. Point WLU 10-17
[Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 10-18
[Ferguson, Madeline] Attack error by Barnes, Morgan (block by Blain, Katy). Point WLU 10-19
[Ferguson, Madeline] Service ace (Patterson, Myka). Point WLU 10-20
[Ferguson, Madeline] Service ace (Patterson, Myka). Point WLU 10-21
[Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 10-22
  WLU subs: Green, Leah.  
[Ferguson, Madeline] Ball handling error by Barnes, Morgan. Point WLU 10-23
11-23 [Ferguson, Madeline] Attack error by Meade, Ashleigh (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
[Montren, Lauren] Service error. Point WLU 11-24
12-24 [Webb, Ashley] Service error. Point AUW
13-24 [Scollo, Harper] Attack error by Green, Leah (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
[Scollo, Harper] Kill by Green, Leah (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 13-25
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AUW -- 2nd -- WLU
  WLU starters: Caroline, , Gard; Katy, Blain; Kiera, Borthwick; Ashley, Webb; Ashleigh, Meade; Madeline, Ferguson; Brynne, Gould; Leah, Green.  
  AUW starters: Myka, Patterson; Lauren, Montren; McKenzie, Miller; Sarah, Shropshire; Morgan, Barnes; Madison, Dadez; Zamyiah, Mangum; Harper, Scollo; Meg, Hopkins.  
1-0 [Gard, Caroline ] Kill by Montren, Lauren (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 1-1
2-1 [Borthwick, Kiera] Attack error by Gould, Brynne (block by Barnes, Morgan). Point AUW
[Montren, Lauren] Service error. Point WLU 2-2
3-2 [Meade, Ashleigh] Service error. Point AUW
  AUW subs: Scollo, Harper.  
4-2 [Scollo, Harper] Attack error by Ferguson, Madeline (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
5-2 [Scollo, Harper] Attack error by Webb, Ashley (block by Mangum, Zamyiah; Dadez, Madison). Point AUW
[Scollo, Harper] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley), block error by Dadez, Madison. Point WLU 5-3
6-3 [Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Dadez, Madison. Point AUW
  AUW subs: Hopkins, Meg.  
7-3 [Hopkins, Meg] Attack error by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
8-3 [Hopkins, Meg] Ball handling error by Webb, Ashley. Point AUW
[Hopkins, Meg] Attack error by Mangum, Zamyiah (block by Webb, Ashley; Blain, Katy). Point WLU 8-4
9-4 [Webb, Ashley] Attack error by Blain, Katy (block by Mangum, Zamyiah; Dadez, Madison). Point AUW
10-4 [Mangum, Zamyiah] Kill by Montren, Lauren. Point AUW
[Mangum, Zamyiah] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 10-5
11-5 [Gould, Brynne] Attack error by Meade, Ashleigh (from Gard, Caroline ). Point AUW
[Patterson, Myka] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 11-6
12-6 [Gard, Caroline ] Attack error by Meade, Ashleigh (block by Barnes, Morgan; Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
13-6 [Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
14-6 [Miller, McKenzie] Service ace (Meade, Ashleigh). Point AUW
15-6 [Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Miller, McKenzie (from Patterson, Myka). Point AUW
16-6 [Miller, McKenzie] Attack error by Webb, Ashley (block by Shropshire, Sarah). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 16-7
17-7 [Borthwick, Kiera] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
  AUW subs: Frey, Emerson.  
18-7 [Frey, Emerson] Attack error by Ferguson, Madeline (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
[Frey, Emerson] Kill by Meade, Ashleigh (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 18-8
19-8 [Meade, Ashleigh] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
20-8 [Scollo, Harper] Ball handling error by Webb, Ashley. Point AUW
  WLU subs: Allsteadt, Carson; Soroka, Anna.  
21-8 [Scollo, Harper] Attack error by Allsteadt, Carson (block by Mangum, Zamyiah; Dadez, Madison). Point AUW
22-8 [Scollo, Harper] Attack error by Ferguson, Madeline (block by Mangum, Zamyiah; Dadez, Madison). Point AUW
  WLU subs: O'Connor, Hannah.  
23-8 [Scollo, Harper] Kill by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
  WLU subs: Green, Leah.  
[Scollo, Harper] Service error. Point WLU 23-9
  WLU subs: Haralson, Riley.  
24-9 [Haralson, Riley] Kill by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Hopkins, Meg] Kill by Allsteadt, Carson (from Soroka, Anna). Point WLU 24-10
[Allsteadt, Carson] Attack error by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Hopkins, Meg). Point WLU 24-11
25-11 [Allsteadt, Carson] Service error. Point AUW
  WLU subs: Green, Leah.  
  AUW subs: Scollo, Harper; Hopkins, Meg.  
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AUW -- 3rd -- WLU
  WLU starters: Caroline, , Gard; Katy, Blain; Kiera, Borthwick; Ashley, Webb; Ashleigh, Meade; Madeline, Ferguson; Brynne, Gould; Carson, Allsteadt; Anna, Soroka; Hannah, O'Connor; Leah, Green; Riley, Haralson.  
  AUW starters: Myka, Patterson; Lauren, Montren; McKenzie, Miller; Sarah, Shropshire; Morgan, Barnes; Madison, Dadez; Zamyiah, Mangum; Harper, Scollo; Meg, Hopkins; Emerson, Frey.  
1-0 [Miller, McKenzie] Attack error by Ferguson, Madeline (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Service error. Point WLU 1-1
2-1 [Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
  AUW subs: Frey, Emerson.  
[Frey, Emerson] Service error. Point WLU 2-2
3-2 [Webb, Ashley] Kill by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
  AUW subs: Scollo, Harper.  
[Scollo, Harper] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 3-3
4-3 [Gould, Brynne] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
  AUW subs: Hopkins, Meg.  
5-3 [Hopkins, Meg] Attack error by Meade, Ashleigh (from Gard, Caroline ). Point AUW
  WLU subs: Green, Leah.  
[Hopkins, Meg] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 5-4
[Gard, Caroline ] Attack error by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 5-5
6-5 [Gard, Caroline ] Kill by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Mangum, Zamyiah] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Borthwick, Kiera). Point WLU 6-6
[Borthwick, Kiera] Service ace (Mangum, Zamyiah). Point WLU 6-7
[Borthwick, Kiera] Kill by Green, Leah (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 6-8
[Borthwick, Kiera] Kill by Green, Leah (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 6-9
7-9 [Borthwick, Kiera] Kill by Dadez, Madison (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Patterson, Myka] Kill by Ferguson, Madeline (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 7-10
8-10 [Green, Leah] Kill by Barnes, Morgan (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Attack error by Shropshire, Sarah (block by Gould, Brynne; Ferguson, Madeline). Point WLU 8-11
9-11 [Ferguson, Madeline] Attack error by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
  WLU subs: Ray, Mollie.  
[Frey, Emerson] Bad set by Miller, McKenzie. Point WLU 9-12
10-12 [Webb, Ashley] Service error. Point AUW
11-12 [Scollo, Harper] Kill by Miller, McKenzie (from Montren, Lauren). Point AUW
[Scollo, Harper] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 11-13
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Green, Leah (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 11-14
[Gould, Brynne] Attack error by Dadez, Madison (block by Borthwick, Kiera; Blain, Katy). Point WLU 11-15
12-15 [Gould, Brynne] Service error. Point AUW
13-15 [Hopkins, Meg] Attack error by Borthwick, Kiera (from Gard, Caroline ). Point AUW
[Hopkins, Meg] Attack error by Mangum, Zamyiah (block by Borthwick, Kiera; Blain, Katy). Point WLU 13-16
14-16 [Gard, Caroline ] Attack error by Green, Leah. Point AUW
[Mangum, Zamyiah] Kill by Green, Leah (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 14-17
[Borthwick, Kiera] Attack error by Montren, Lauren (block by Ferguson, Madeline; Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 14-18
[Borthwick, Kiera] Attack error by Dadez, Madison (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 14-19
[Borthwick, Kiera] Ball handling error by Miller, McKenzie. Point WLU 14-20
15-20 [Borthwick, Kiera] Kill by Dadez, Madison (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Patterson, Myka] Kill by Green, Leah (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 15-21
16-21 [Green, Leah] Attack error by Ferguson, Madeline (block by Barnes, Morgan). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Attack error by Barnes, Morgan (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 16-22
[Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Ray, Mollie). Point WLU 16-23
17-23 [Ferguson, Madeline] Attack error by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
[Frey, Emerson] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 17-24
[Webb, Ashley] Attack error by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 17-25
  WLU subs: Green, Leah; Soroka, Anna; Allsteadt, Carson; O'Connor, Hannah; Haralson, Riley.  
  AUW subs: Frey, Emerson; Scollo, Harper; Hopkins, Meg.  
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AUW -- 4th -- WLU
  WLU starters: Caroline, , Gard; Katy, Blain; Kiera, Borthwick; Ashley, Webb; Ashleigh, Meade; Madeline, Ferguson; Brynne, Gould; Leah, Green; Mollie, Ray.  
  AUW starters: Myka, Patterson; Lauren, Montren; McKenzie, Miller; Sarah, Shropshire; Morgan, Barnes; Madison, Dadez; Zamyiah, Mangum; Emerson, Frey; Harper, Scollo; Meg, Hopkins.  
[Ray, Mollie] Attack error by Montren, Lauren (block by Ferguson, Madeline; Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 0-1
[Ray, Mollie] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 0-2
1-2 [Ray, Mollie] Attack error by Ferguson, Madeline (block by Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
2-2 [Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie), block error by Gould, Brynne. Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Ball handling error by Barnes, Morgan. Point WLU 2-3
[Ferguson, Madeline] Attack error by Montren, Lauren (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 2-4
[Ferguson, Madeline] Attack error by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 2-5
[Ferguson, Madeline] Service ace (Patterson, Myka). Point WLU 2-6
[Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 2-7
3-7 [Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Montren, Lauren] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 3-8
4-8 [Webb, Ashley] Kill by Barnes, Morgan (from Shropshire, Sarah). Point AUW
  AUW subs: Scollo, Harper.  
5-8 [Scollo, Harper] Attack error by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point AUW
[Scollo, Harper] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 5-9
  WLU subs: Green, Leah.  
[Gould, Brynne] Bad set by Miller, McKenzie. Point WLU 5-10
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 5-11
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 5-12
6-12 [Gould, Brynne] Service error. Point AUW
  AUW subs: Hopkins, Meg.  
7-12 [Hopkins, Meg] Kill by Montren, Lauren (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Hopkins, Meg] Attack error by Mangum, Zamyiah. Point WLU 7-13
8-13 [Gard, Caroline ] Kill by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
9-13 [Mangum, Zamyiah] Kill by Miller, McKenzie (from Patterson, Myka). Point AUW
[Mangum, Zamyiah] Service error. Point WLU 9-14
10-14 [Borthwick, Kiera] Attack error by Green, Leah (block by Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
11-14 [Patterson, Myka] Kill by Barnes, Morgan (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Patterson, Myka] Kill by Green, Leah (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 11-15
[Green, Leah] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley), block error by Barnes, Morgan. Point WLU 11-16
12-16 [Green, Leah] Kill by Barnes, Morgan (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Miller, McKenzie] Kill by Gould, Brynne (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 12-17
13-17 [Ferguson, Madeline] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Montren, Lauren). Point AUW
14-17 [Montren, Lauren] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
15-17 [Montren, Lauren] Attack error by Gould, Brynne (block by Barnes, Morgan; Shropshire, Sarah). Point AUW
[Montren, Lauren] Service error. Point WLU 15-18
[Webb, Ashley] Attack error by Shropshire, Sarah (block by Gould, Brynne; Blain, Katy). Point WLU 15-19
16-19 [Webb, Ashley] Kill by Mangum, Zamyiah (from Miller, McKenzie). Point AUW
[Scollo, Harper] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 16-20
[Gould, Brynne] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 16-21
  WLU subs: Haralson, Riley.  
17-21 [Haralson, Riley] Kill by Shropshire, Sarah (from Miller, McKenzie), block error by Green, Leah. Point AUW
18-21 [Hopkins, Meg] Kill by Miller, McKenzie (from Montren, Lauren). Point AUW
[Hopkins, Meg] Kill by Blain, Katy (from Webb, Ashley). Point WLU 18-22
[Gard, Caroline ] Service ace (Montren, Lauren). Point WLU 18-23
[Gard, Caroline ] Attack error by Dadez, Madison (from Miller, McKenzie). Point WLU 18-24
[Gard, Caroline ] Kill by Borthwick, Kiera (from Gard, Caroline ). Point WLU 18-25
  WLU subs: Green, Leah; Meade, Ashleigh.  
  AUW subs: Frey, Emerson; Scollo, Harper; Hopkins, Meg.  
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